
I love what I do!

My world is full of design, and I like to surround myself with creative people, creative activities, creative hobbies, and technical endeavors. There is something exciting about facing new design challenges, whether just for fun, or for work related projects. UX Design encourages being able to continuously grow and learn from experience with constant feedback.

My UX Design work starts with strategic planning, designing, and prototyping, I can help you reach your goals. I have served as a lead between creative teams and technical development teams in accomplishing these goals, as well. Please take a look and discover my portfolio for UX Design, Web Design and Development, Visual and Graphic Design. Below are some of my featured projects. – Suki Soltysik

Contact me at suki@sukidesign.com

My Specialization

My Experience

My Tools

  • Figma
  • Sketch
  • Balsamiq
  • InVision Studio
  • Axure RP
  • WordPress
  • Scrum-Agile Framework for Complex Projects
  • Adobe Photoshop CC
  • Adobe Illustrator CC
  • InDesign CC

My Awards

April 2015 – Effective Student Marketing Team Player recognition award for maintaining continuous client design/web developer support for entire team.

January 2010 – Innovation Award at Burst Media- an annual award for maintaining highly successful creative and interactive solutions for online advertising campaigns in the year 2009.

September 2009 – Best at Burst Media Monthly Award- Received recognition for contributing to company achievement, service excellence, implementing corporate website, and design and ad production support for sales team by contributing towards a high percentage of sales in the year 2009.

June 2004 – Pediatrics in Practice (www.pediatricsinpractice.org) was awarded a Bronze Award in the 2004 Health Science Communications Association (HeSCA) Media Festivals, presented at the HeSCA Annual Meeting in Denver, CO. I designed the layout and created the HTML templates. I recently worked again with Biomedical Media on a redesign project for this website.

June 2002, a sales CD-ROM I designed while working for Illumina Interactive, produced for LeMaitre Vascular together with BioMedical Media took Best of Show for Interactive Media in the Health Sciences Communication Association 2002 Media Festival. The CD-ROM was cited as “a perfect example of seamless integration of a variety of media.”